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» » Changed Ataa Ayi to receive presidential pardon if..- Mark Woyongo

The Minister of Interior, Mark Woyongo  has said he will recommend  popular convicted hardened criminal, Nii Ayi Ayittey also known as Ataa Ayi for presidential pardon if  he maintains his good behavior in prison.
“If you continue to be of good behavior, maybe we will make some recommendations for the consideration of his excellency the President,” the Minister told the hardened criminal.

The convicted armed robber who is serving a 160 year jail term with hard labour on different charges of robbery has reportedly become reformed and a Christian.
He was reported to have robbed several people at gunpoint before his conviction and it took months of intensive intelligence work by the police to have him arrested.
He has so far spent 9 years in prison and is expected to serve his full jail sentence.
Speaking to the media after a tour of the Ankaful Maximum Prisons, Mark Woyongo further asked Ata Ayi who is the spokesperson of prisoners in the country and a preacher , to help transform other prisoners.

“I’ve heard the good news that you are now a reformed person. You are a preacher and you are influencing your mates in the prison and I think that is very good. I want to commend you for it. You have to get everybody to leave here reformed and never to come back here. When you leave this place, you should vow that you will never come back here and I want you to impress upon your colleagues that their stay here is temporary and they should use the opportunity to reform.”
 Reporter..> Cityfmonline

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