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» » » I had a crush on Agya Koo – Kafui Danku

Actress and Producer, Kafui Danku has confessed she had a crush on Actor, Agya Koo when she first entered the movie industry. Appearing as a guest on the new reloaded Late Night Celebrity Show on Ghana with the versatile Okyeame Kwame, Kafui said the affection died away naturally after sometime.
Okyeame Kwame, the rap doctor, also revealed on the show he has been exercising vigorously for the past three months in anticipation of the next Versatile show on the 8th of November.
“I’m pushing myself to the limit and will surprise patrons of the show on the 8th November”, he said.

Kwame also acknowledged the stiff competition from  EL, Manifest and Sarkodie bodes well for the industry.
The Late night celebrity show is on etv Ghana, Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s and is hosted by Giovanni with a Celebrity trends segment presented by Vanessa Gyan.

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