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» » Report: Iggy Azalea’s ‘Husband’ Files for Divorce

After suing Aussie-born, Grand Hustle-bred raptress Iggy Azalea for copyright infringement, ex-boo thang Hefe Wine has decided it's time to move on from their marriage, too.
Only problem is, Iggy didn't know they were wedded.
Hefe Wine says that he and Iggy "agreed to be married, holding themselves out as man and wife and began residing together in the State of Texas on or about September, 2008." They only began living separately last year, he claims, according to the paperwork that TMZ obtained. That could be considered a common law marriage in the state.
In the divorce, all he's asking is that a judge prohibit her from selling off their "community property," meaning, most likely, her music. In his lawsuit against her, he says that all that — her image, her name, her sound — he helped create.
Meanwhile, Iggy's rep says she never even considered him as her husband. Fancy that. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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